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About Us

About Us

IPMC was started with the sole aim of providing sustainable infrastructure development across African countries.

IPMC’s expertise covers financing, project planning, development and the management of Infrastructure projects. Governments across the Sub-Continent are advised of the importance of sustainable development and its management.

Infrastructure Project Management
Infrastructure Project Management

IPMC’s partners in design, planning & building are the leaders in their respective sectors, all with a stellar reputation.

African continent has a requirement of investment worth billions if not trillions in infrastructure to have sustainable development. Many countries in the region are witnessing a significant interest from international investors in the infrastructure space. IPMC is streamlining those investors for sustainable projects with a solid framework and support from the Government.

IPMC is now having a local presence in Ghana - C & A Energy Ltd. and Republic of Togo - C & A Energy & Infrastructure Ltd. Both companies are now providing advice and expert service to the local government.

focusing on sustainable solutions to make our future stronger